North Coast Exteriors

Roof Washing Services

The roof of your home protects you, your family, and everything that lies underneath it.

Maintaining your roofing materials is an important job for every homeowner, because proper maintenance adds to the curb appeal of your home, the value of your home, and helps to prolong the life expectancy of your building supplies.

A clean roof also aids in the healthiness of your immediate environment.

roof washing services before and after

The roof is not only the largest part of your home, but its also the most important. It protects your family from the elements and it provides to the aesthetic of the home. Every few years you may call a painter for a new color scheme, you may even add a new section to your house, but the roof stays the same. All the while moisture, dirt, bird poop, leaves, and more cause the roof to look old and worn but we just live with the results. Organic growth starts to root into the tiles, causing them to weaken. The green and brown staining is algae and mildew and its damaging your home.

We provide a deep cleaning with our roof cleaning service. We get rid of the ugly staining that is causing damage and creating an eyesore in your neighborhood. Our knowledgeable staff has hundreds of hours of training to give you the roof that you still picture when you think of the day you moved in. Not only do we clean your roof, we also flush your gutters, wash down your exterior walls, and rinse the surrounding concrete.

Call today to schedule you roof cleaning service.

 We’ll put together a roof cleaning package that makes your house look beautiful like the day it was built!

Check out our Help Article to learn more.


How Much Is A Soft Clean For A Roof?
Prices vary based on the size and accessibility of the roof, but a standard 2000 sq. ft. home will cost anywhere from $800-$1200.
Is Soft Cleaning A Roof Worth It?

Soft washing enhances the natural aesthetic of your home’s roofing material, but it also preserves the integrity of your roof so you can get the full life of your tiles.

Is Washing Your Roof A Good Idea?

Not only does roof washing make a house stand out in the neighborhood, but it also preserves the integrity of your roof so you won’t have to replace it prematurely.

How Much Does It Cost To Clean Off A Roof?
Pricing varies based on size and roofing material, but generally, roof cleaning of a standard track home will cost anywhere between $800 and $1200.
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